Kontakt Telefon:069 / 36606610
Adresse Straße:Kaiserstraße 39
Ort:Frankfurt am Main, Frankfurt, Innenstadt
BeschreibungBaguette Company, Franchise-Restaurants und System-Gastronomie mit Lieferservice. Frisch, lecker, leicht und heiß überbacken. Baguette Company ...iss anders!
KeywordsFranchise, Express, Company, Café, Baguette, Cappuccino, Filiale, Gastro, Restaurants, Restaurant, Espresso, Baguettes, Latte Macchiato, Franchising, Gastronomie, Kaffee, Frankfurt am Main, System
1 Bewertung ★★★★★- 5 Sterne: Free Unlimited Wifi Internet Surfing & Free Drink Refills! I owe a lot to this cafe. Not only is the space bright, open and perfect for wifi geeks like me to work, hold meetings, hold English classes (walk-in too), and basically network and socialize, but they make a 'mean' baguette sandwich as well. The owner, Koray Oenal is so friendly, the manager, Alam and his staff are everything you would expect from a customer service team! Located just walking distance (literally 3 blocks from the Main Train Station "The Hauptbanhoff" OR 200 meters from the European Central Bank walking towards the main train station) on Kaiserstrasse, the hours are great. They are open EVERYDAY, Monday to Saturday from 8am - 10 pm and on Sunday 10am - 6pm. There are electrical outlets located at the back half of the cafe so wifi ...
I owe a lot to this cafe. Not only is the space bright, open and perfect for wifi geeks like me to work, hold meetings, hold English classes (walk-in too), and basically network and socialize, but they make a 'mean' baguette sandwich as well. The owner, Koray Oenal is so friendly, the manager, Alam and his staff are everything you would expect from a customer service team! Located just walking distance (literally 3 blocks from the Main Train Station "The Hauptbanhoff" OR 200 meters from the European Central Bank walking towards the main train station) on Kaiserstrasse, the hours are great. They are open EVERYDAY, Monday to Saturday from 8am - 10 pm and on Sunday 10am - 6pm. There are electrical outlets located at the back half of the cafe so wifi geeks don't have to worry about your laptop batteries loosing charge. Koray has also put in place a laptop that any of the customers can use. If you live in Frankfurt or just visiting come by and visit Baguette Company & Coffee. Say "Hello" to Koray, Alam or the girls, enjoy your meal and happy surfing!
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Café, Restaurant, Bäckerei

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