Kachelofen, Gaststätte, Bamberg

Telefon:0951 / 57172
Straße:Obere Sandstraße 1
Ort:Bamberg, Bug, Kreis Bamberg
BeschreibungUrgemütliches fränkisches Gasthaus im Herzen der Bamberger Altstadt zwischen Kaiserdom und Klein-Venedig.
KeywordsWeizenbier, heiße Schokolade, alkoholhaltige Cocktails, Getränkekarte, Kleine Karte, Gaststätte, Bamberg, Gästeraum, Dekanter, Reisgerichte, Pils, alkoholfreies Bier, Schankraum, servieren, Frikadellen, alkoholfreie Cocktails, Moccacino, Kartoffelgerichte, Gustation, Biergläser, Kamilletee, Hefeweizen
1 Bewertung ★★★★★
  • 5 Sterne: Our Favorite Place in Bamberg You have got to try the Lumberjack Steak and a Schlenkerka here. To die for! Just not for the cholesterol challenged. This is a combination of a grilled pork steak, with thickly sliced bacon, topped with onion rings and a fried egg, over a bed of succulent medallion potatoes. Served on the side is a very potent horseradish sauce. From the first bite, you get a completely mouth watering satisfaction of a mixture that is eyes roll in the back of your head good! If you are in Bamberg, be sure to drop by and treat yourself to this dish. There is limited indoor seating, and during warmer weather there is outdoor seating. Just be sure to sit in the right booths, because there is another restaurant adjacent and you can sit in their seat by mistake. The location is wrong on the map. You pass Schlenkerla, and the Ambrausieum and turn left and it's right on the corner. - plus.google.com

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